What is splinting - and can it really help with constipation?
What is splinting - and can it really help with constipation? Who scrolls here in the toilet while sitting in the toilet? By the way, talk about good timing if you have come to know about this viral video so far because you were sitting there waiting for something to come out. linkstore0 sitelink Splinting-when-constipated-adobestock_251420751 Credit: ADOBE Stock Last week, a TikTok user Ambria Alice Walter-Field (@ambriaalicewalterfield) posted a video asking people to share a reason why they are happy for vagina. She went first, stating that, "You know when you're struggling to go for 'P-O-O' and you just" - then he makes a hook motion with his thumb - " And then it's okay. " sitelink1 sitelink2 Related: Is your toilet healthy? The Bristol Stool Chart shows what it should look like Some commentators stated that they do too. But others had questions about what she was talking about and needed answers. And so, the next day, he posted a second vide...